Orange Oil- Working Wonders in the Dark — #cysticacne
Orange Oil-Working Wonders in the Dark
#brighten #bugrepellent #cysticacne #hyperpigmentation #lighten #oilcontrol #orangeoil #tighten Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash
Orange essential oil is a member of the BLT (brighten, lighten & tighten) community in the beauty industry yet its best work is done overnight. Naturally light sensitive, you can typically find it in night time moisturizers and treatment serums. However, it can be used during the daytime if formulated properly. We would also like to mention that Orange oil is not recommended during pregnancy as the test results on the potential negative effects on unborn children is inconclusive. So what benefits does it offer to the skin, body and hair? Let's discuss! 1. Hyperpigmentation- Orange oil is great at...